Occupational Therapy

Pediatric Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy helps kids with physical, mental, or learning disabilities. Life Step Therapy offers pediatric occupational therapy. Occupational therapy may teach youngsters how to play, dress, eat, and get along. It can also improve their mood and perception. Life Step Therapy customizes a plan to help youngsters succeed. 

How Can Occupational Therapy Help Your Child?

Early intervention programs help youngsters grow. Only one in three California youngsters get the screenings pediatricians recommend to detect behavioral delays early. Life Step Therapy offers free screenings to determine if your child needs support. We will use simple scales to determine if your child requires a thorough evaluation or is developing properly during this screening.

Sensory integration treatment helps kids’ flexible neural systems. Support boosts self-esteem. Our occupational therapists employ sensory-motor gym equipment to get kids moving and touching. These experiences improve brain processing and self-regulation.

Don’t wait! Help your child focus, self-control, learn, socialize, and behave by calling (619) 271-4957 or clicking below. Our program encourages safe, fun play with other kids and a smooth transition from our facility to home. Help your child grow!