Social Skills Therapy

Teaching Social Skills: The Importance of Good Social Skills for Children

Social skills are critical to successful functioning in a child’s life. They allow us to communicate effectively, make good choices, and create long-term friendships and relationships. While most children learn appropriate social skills through everyday interactions, some children may have difficulty learning from casual modeling within everyday activities.

Children with poor social skills may have difficulty making relationships and friendships with peers, may exhibit increased frustration or negative behaviors, and may miss social and contextual cues, such as nonverbal or gestural cues. At Life Step Therapy we offer speech therapy programs that are tailored to help children organize and learn social skills in a manner supported with visual examples, such as social stories and personal stories. We also use therapy activities that allow for structured teaching, making it easier for children to learn the art of appropriate social skills.

How We Teach Social Skills

Our speech pathologists work with children both individually and in small groups to teach necessary skills to improve social communication based on individual needs.

Goals typically target areas of improved interpersonal skills, such as sharing, joint attention, joining an activity, and turn-taking, as well as problem-solving skills, such as asking for help, using manners, and making decisions. We also focus on conflict resolution skills, such as making decisions with peers, accepting “no” for an answer, and dealing with peer pressure.

Our groups are carefully matched so that each child benefits from being with peers who are alike. If you believe your child may benefit from our Social Skills groups, please contact us today at (619) 271-4957. We look forward to helping your child develop the social skills necessary for successful functioning in their daily life.